Industry Extension丨Entering the Bay Area Intelligent Manufacturing and Unlocking New Areas of Cooperation in Modular Buildings On May 29, 2024, Professor Fugee TSUNG, Assistant Professor Du Juan, Assistant Professor Zhu Lei and doctoral students from the Triple-I Institute (Triple-I) visited the Bay Area Intelligent Manufacturing Production Park and Technology Industry Co., Ltd. under Guangzhou Construction […]

Triple-i Institute Celebrates a Successful Start! Since the opening ceremony, the Triple-i Institute has actively engaged in the exploration of industrial intelligence and informatization in scientific research and industry-academic-research opportunities. In April, it achieved two major projects: First, the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau awarded the “Guangzhou Industrial Information and Intelligence Key Laboratory” plaque, successfully

Triple-i Institute Celebrates a Successful Start!Read More »

Breakthroughs in the Field of Industrial Intelligence from Triple-i Institute of HKUST(Guangzhou) Recently, good news came from the Science and Technology Bureau of Nansha District. The project “Research and Industrialization of FPC Board Quality Inspection System Based on Industrial Intelligence,” jointly declared by the Institute of Industrial Information and Intelligence (Triple-i Institute) of The Hong

Breakthroughs in the Field of Industrial Intelligence from Triple-i Institute of HKUST(Guangzhou)Read More »

Top-notch Art Institutions Gather at HKUST(Guangzhou) to Discuss the Integration of Art and Technology On January 23, the 2024 Computational Media and Arts Forum was jointly hosted by the Information Hub, Computational Media and Arts Trust, and Triple-i Institute at HKUST Guangzhou. Sixteen professors from institutions such as China Academy of Art, Tsinghua University, Central

Top-notch Art Institutions Gather at HKUST(Guangzhou) to Discuss the Integration of Art and TechnologyRead More »

The Opening Ceremony of the Industrial Informatics and Intelligence Institute On January 19th, the Institute of Industrial Information and Intelligence Research (Triple-i Institute) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) officially opened. This opening ceremony marks a solid step towards promoting industrial intelligence transformation and enhancing industrial competitiveness. The Triple-i Institute

The Opening Ceremony of the Industrial Informatics and Intelligence InstituteRead More »

Prof. Fugee Tsung is recognised as Top 2% of Most Influential Scientists Globally by the Stanford-Elsevier Mendeley Data 2023 The “Top 2% Most Influential Scientists Globally” list, a collaboration between Stanford University and Elsevier’s Mendeley Data, has been released. The list assesses nearly 7 million scientists and selects the top 2% across various disciplines. We

Prof. Fugee Tsung is recognised as Top 2% of Most Influential Scientists Globally by the Stanford-Elsevier Mendeley Data 2023Read More »

Exclusive Interview with Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician Tang Lixin: Integrating Data Analytics and System Optimization Organically to Drive Intelligent Industrial Development Based on Industry Pain Points. Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician and Vice President of Northeastern University, Tang Lixin, delivered a keynote presentation titled “Intelligent Industrial Data Analysis and Optimization,” where he introduced the

Exclusive Interview with Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician Tang Lixin: Integrating Data Analytics and System Optimization Organically to Drive Intelligent Industrial Development Based on Industry Pain Points.Read More »

Academicians from Multiple Countries Gather in Nansha, Guangzhou to Explore the Intelligent Digital Transformation of Industrial Engineering From August 11th to 12th, 2023, the 13th Annual International Conference for Chinese Scholars in Industrial Engineering (CSIE) & 13th Forum for Council of Industrial Engineering and Logistic Management Department Heads (CIEDH) was held at the Hong Kong University

Academicians from Multiple Countries Gather in Nansha, Guangzhou to Explore the Intelligent Digital Transformation of Industrial EngineeringRead More »